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How Long Does it Take to Adopt a Child in Arizona?

If you’ve been looking for ways to build your family, there’s never been a better time to get started.

Here at American Adoptions, we’d love the chance to talk with you. If you’re wondering, “how long does it take to adopt a child in Arizona?” our team of experienced adoption specialists can answer all your questions. You can reach us now by calling 1-800-ADOPTION or by filling out our convenient contact form online.

You can also keep reading to learn more. 

How Long Does it Take to Adopt a Child in Arizona?

If you’re wondering, “how long does it take to adopt a child in Arizona?” you’re not alone.

Most adoptive parents want to know how long they should plan for the adoption process to take, as well as what they can expect along the way.

While the length of your adoption will depend on many factors, when you work with American Adoptions, you can expect wait times of an average of 12 months.

It’s important to understand the steps of adoption so that you know how they will impact your wait.


When you’re wondering how long does it take to adopt a child in Arizona, you’re probably feeling anxious and ready to get started.

One of the first steps you’ll take as you begin the adoption process will be completing your APQ. This is a questionnaire designed to provide you with the opportunity to let your social worker know what you’re hoping for with the adoption.

During this call, you can share your:

  • Preferences for a child
  • Preferences for a birth mother
  • Adoption budget

As you consider how long does it take to adopt a kid in Arizona, it’s important to keep in mind that your APQ can impact your wait time.

Talk with your social worker about areas of your APQ where you can be more flexible and potentially minimize your wait.

The Home Study

While you’re wondering how long does the adoption process take in Arizona, you’ll want to begin preparing for your home study.

Each adoptive family needs to complete a home study as part of their adoption journey.

The home study accomplishes several things.

First, it lets your social worker know that you’re physically prepared to take care of a child. Your social worker will need to complete a home inspection, which means that they’ll walk through your house to ensure that it’s safe for a child to live in. Your adoption specialist will look for areas of your home that could be potentially dangerous for a child and will offer you suggestions for fixing them.

Your home study also lets your adoption specialist know that you’re financially ready for parenting. It’s no secret that raising a child can be expensive, which is why your home study includes a review of your personal finances.

Additionally, the home study process includes a criminal background check to ensure that there is nothing in your background that could inhibit your ability to care for a child.

As you’re wondering how long does the adoption process take in the US in Arizona, take time to consider the different elements of your home study. If you prepare in advance by gathering your paperwork and ensuring that you’re organized and ready for each step of the home study process, this can help reduce your adoption wait.

Matching With a Birth Mother

As you’re asking questions about how long is the adoption process in Arizona, keep in mind that one of the most important aspects of the adoption journey is matching with a birth mother. For many hopeful families, waiting to meet a prospective birth mother is the longest part of the adoption process. However, there are several ways you can reduce your adoption wait.

First, you can be more flexible with your APQ. If you have strict requirements of your birth mother, especially when it comes to medical history, you might find that your wait is longer.

Next, you can create a thoughtful and thorough waiting family profile that lets potential birth mothers get to know you on a personal level.

Finally, you can work with a national adoption agency like American Adoptions. A national adoption agency has a larger reach than smaller, local adoption agencies, which means they’ll be able to help connect you with a larger number of potential birth moms.

Starting the Adoption Process

If you’re ready to talk more about how long does adoption take in Arizona, or if you’re ready to start the adoption process, it’s time to call American Adoptions.

Here at American Adoptions, we want to make sure you have a positive adoption experience. We’d love the chance to work with you on each of the adoption steps and to help ensure that your wait is as short as possible.

To ask more questions about how long does it take to adopt in Arizona or to speak with an adoption specialist, you can call our team at 1-800-ADOPTION.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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