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Open Adoption Facts in Arizona

Thinking about adoption? Check out these open adoption facts in Arizona.

If you’ve been planning to welcome a child to your family through adoption, it’s time to start doing some open adoption research in Arizona. You have a lot of decisions to make regarding your adoption, including the type of adoption you’d like to pursue.

Get fast answers to your questions when you call American Adoptions at 1-800-ADOPTION now, or keep reading to find more information on open adoption in Arizona.

5 Open Adoption Facts You Need to Know 

As you prepare for your adoption, here are some open adoption facts in Arizona that you should know about.

Chances are that you’ve heard of the different types of adoption, including open and closed adoption, but you might not know what the differences are.

Long ago, closed adoptions were the most common type of adoption practiced. With closed adoption, records are sealed, and adoptees won’t have access to information like the names of their birth parents.

On the other hand, with open adoption, adoptees will have the opportunity to get to know their birth mother on an ongoing basis as they grow up.

Here are 5 open adoption facts in Arizona that you should know before you begin the adoption process.

1. Open Adoption is Common.

Many adoptive families are surprised by open adoption research in Arizona that shows just how common open adoption is.

This is the most common type of adoption practiced in the US today because it offers benefits for everyone involved.

Additionally, with open adoption, you won’t have to contact your adoption agency in order to find questions to answers you may have about your child’s heritage or medical history. Instead, you’ll be able to reach out directly to your child’s birth mother.

2. Children Know About Their Adoptions.

Once upon a time, it was common for adoption to be hidden. It was considered a very secret and private matter. That’s all changed. Today, adoption no longer holds any stigma and is instead normalized. One of the best ways that adoptive parents can continue to normalize adoption is by talking with their children about the adoption experience.

Adoptees today know that they’re adopted. More importantly, they know that they are loved beyond measure by both their birth families and their adoptive families.

Most adoptive parents choose to talk with their children about their adoption throughout their lives and as they grow up. There are many ways for adoptive families to do this, including reading books about adoption with their children, as well as watching movies featuring adoptive family relationships.

3. You’ll Build Relationships.

As you look for information on open adoption in Arizona, you might be surprised that part of open adoption means building relationships.

You’ll have the chance to get to know your child’s birth parents, as well as the rest of your child’s extended family.

The amount of contact you have with your child’s birth family will vary based on your proximity to them, as well as with the birth parents’ desired amount of communication. Some adoptive families like to share holidays with their child’s birth families, as well as other special events, such as birthdays.

If you live far from your child’s birth parents, you might find that communication takes place in other ways, such as over text or through email.

4. You’ll Be Hand-Picked.

With open adoption, your child’s birth mother will choose you herself. Birth mothers who make the loving decision to choose adoption for their child have a difficult choice when it comes to finding the right family. When a birth mother chooses you for their child, it’s an honor.

When you work with American Adoptions, you’ll create a waiting family profile to help potential birth mothers get to know you on a deeper level. This is one of the best ways you can match with a potential birth mother since it allows them to see pictures and videos from your daily life. Each birth mother has a different idea of what they’re looking for in a family for their baby, so being able to see your life in action can help them make this difficult decision.

5. The Support System is Huge.

Because adoption is so normalized in the US, there’s a large support system. You may find that in your local area, you’re able to join a support group for adoptive families and adoptees. There are also online support groups, as well. Additionally, your adoption agency will work with you to offer support even after your child’s adoption takes place.

Information on Open Adoption in Arizona

To get more information on open adoption in Arizona or to speak with an adoption specialist about how you can start the adoption process, contact American Adoptions through our convenient online form.

You can also call us directly at 1-800-ADOPTION.

Our team consists of experienced birth mothers, adoptees and adoptive families, so we know exactly what you’re going through. We’d love the chance to help you build your family through adoption, so reach out today.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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