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How Old Do I Have to Be to Choose Adoption in Arizona?

You Can Choose Adoption, No Matter What Age You Are

Experiencing an unplanned pregnancy can happen at any point in your life. You could be a teenager, in your 20s, 30s or even your 40s. No matter what age you are, though, adoption is always an option.


Maybe you are a young adult finishing your education, or you could be an adult making big advancements in your career. In fact, you may already have children, who could be toddlers or teenagers. Regardless of your age, you can choose adoption. It is a beautiful journey that gives your child a loving home and helps a family realize their parenting dreams.


When it comes to unplanned pregnancy in Arizona, you generally have three options:


  • Parenting
  • Abortion
  • Adoption


Parenting may not be possible for you right now, and abortion could be unavailable depending on how late you are in your pregnancy. But, you can always choose adoption, regardless of if you are in your 20s, 30s or 40s. As a result, we have put together this guide to choosing adoption for your particular age group in Arizona.


As you read along, you may have some more questions. If so, then please do not hesitate to give us a call at 1-800-ADOPTION at any time. One of our experienced adoption professionals would love to help you. You can also get free adoption information now.


In the meantime, continue reading to learn more about choosing adoption in your 20s, 30s and 40s in the Grand Canyon State.

Choosing Adoption in Your 20s in Arizona

As you may have guessed, parenting is expensive, whether you live in Arizona or somewhere else in the United States. Many people in their 20s live with their parents or depend on them financially to some extent. Or, they have recently started a career and have just become financially independent. Whatever your situation may be, parenting may not be a viable option.

On the other hand, adoption is the most cost-effective unplanned pregnancy option. Adoption is always 100% free for prospective birth mothers, and you are likely eligible for some form of adoption financial assistance. When you work with American Adoptions of Arizona, your adoption professional will outline what financial assistance you are entitled to, and they’ll guide you each step of the way.

Julia, a birth mother who worked with American Adoptions, chose adoption in her 20s so that she could pursue her educational aspirations.

“I knew my life did not stop after adoption,” she said. “It gave me a second chance to pursue my goals and dreams so that I can be a better version of myself and help people along the way. I wanted to show my daughter that I didn’t give up on myself and, more importantly, her.”

Choosing Adoption in Your 30s in Arizona

As a prospective birth mother in your 30s, you may be climbing up the ladder in your career. There’s no need to feel ashamed for wanting to focus on your profession right now. Maybe you want to parent later in life, or maybe you feel that parenting simply isn’t for you. Either one is completely OK.

Also, adoption never has to be “goodbye.” Through open adoption, you can stay in touch with your child and their adoptive family. You also get to watch your child thrive in a loving, safe home. Maintaining contact through phone calls or in-person visits can help you develop a lifelong bond with both your child and their adoptive parents. That’s how Candice, a birth mother who worked with American Adoptions, felt.

“Jeff and Amanda are wonderful, and I am so thankful I could give them such a gift,” she said. “We still email, and I get pictures. Our little boy is so handsome. They are amazing parents, and I know my son has a huge family who loves and cares so much for him. I am forever thankful for that.”

Choosing Adoption in Your 40s in Arizona

By the time some people are in their 40s, they already have children, some of whom could be older. From this perspective, some mothers don’t feel ready to do it all over again. As a result, many people in their 40s with an unplanned pregnancy choose adoption. They understand that they aren’t ready to become parents again.

Also, as you probably already know, parenting is expensive. The cost alone can be overwhelming enough when it comes to parenting for the first or even fourth time.

When you choose adoption, you’re not only giving your child a chance at the best life possible, but you’re also helping another family realize their parenting dreams. Some families may want to adopt a child because they’re having trouble getting pregnant. But, you can help their parenting wishes come true when you place your child for adoption in Arizona.

This is what happened when Sara, a birth mother who worked with American Adoptions, found the perfect adoptive parents for her child.

“It felt like I had known them my entire life,” she said. “Soon after this meeting, I found out the sex of the baby. I asked if I could call them; they immediately said yes. I was on speakerphone with both of them and congratulated them on their new baby boy! They had waited so long for a baby that they already had a name picked out – Theodore Kenneth. His nickname would be Teddy.”


The bottom line is that you can choose adoption at any age. Whether you are in your 20s, 30s or 40s, adoption is always an option. Even if you are a teenager with an unexpected pregnancy, adoption is a path that you can take.

We understand if this is a lot of information to take in at once. That’s why we are always a phone call away! If you feel ready to begin your adoption journey today, then give us a call at 1-800-ADOPTION. You’ll speak with one of our trusted adoption professionals. We look forward to hearing from you! Also, you can get more free information now.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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